Rocky Mountain National Park - Horseshoe Park
Horseshoe Park
Horseshoe Park is located on the east side of RMNP, and is at an elevation of 8,524 feet. Like Moraine Park, this area was formed as part of the Pinedale glaciation period some 30,000 years ago. The 1,000 foot deep Fall River glacier formed this area of the park.
The Road To Somewhere
Fresh snow on the mountain tops, and fog covering the valley. The mountains in the distance rise above the fog as if not to be slighted. This is another photo taken on the first day of summer. Shortly before this, hail, thunder, and lightning had passed overhead.
Bridge To The Milky Way
Capturing the Milky Way core is one of my favorite things to do in photography. Capturing it in the context of an interesting foreground is something I always strive to do. I thought the new bridge at the Alluvial Fan would make a great subject.
Spotlight on Deer
A spring morning before Trail Ridge Rd was all the way open. I drove up to Rainbow Curve for sunrise, and was treated to some spectacular skies. At first what struck me was the way the sun was shining like a spotlight on Deer Mountain. But then as I looked over Horseshoe Park, the scene felt very ancient to me.
Midnight Meadow
The Milky Way looks brilliant over Sheep’s Meadow. Out of frame was a small herd of Elk. Traffic on the surrounding roads, and some constructions workers cast some light on the mountains above the meadow.
Moonlit Mountains
A full moon setting during the blue hour made for a cold, yet stunning scene. The snow covered mountains had a wonderful moonlit glow, and the river of moonlight across the meadow really grabbed my attention. And yes, it was every bit as cold as it looks when I took this picture.
Winter Grazing
A big bull elk grazing on a cold winters morning. There were about a dozen of these big fellas out enjoying a snack and the sunshine near Sheep’s Lakes. I sat and watched them for about 30 minutes or so. Watching wildlife is such a good way to reconnect with nature and cleanse the soul.
Pink Squall
It was colder than it looks. As I waited for the sun to rise, a snow squall came over the mountains. The snow caught the first rays of light, and turned my favorite shade of pink.
Identity Crisis
I found this little fella munching on some Willows near the Alluvial Fan one late Spring morning. He looked magnificent in the early morning sun. He has been tagged and is being tracked, but it was his collar number that really got my attention. I shot this with my 600mm zoom lens, but this little guy was very curious. He kept coming toward me, and I kept backing away. At one point he disappeared into the woodland came out about 30 yards behind me. It was almost like we were playing hide and seek, and he clearly won.